Free Q&A guide: CCTV code of practice and Data Protection Act compliance
Security and Privacy – a contentious issue
CCTV has become ubiquitous, especially in the built environment and urban spaces and places.
There’s a good reason why CCTV has been so widely adopted - arguably, it is the single most effective security system. In a world where the threat environment is agile and may be driven by criminal intent for personal gain, irrational ideology or the uncontrollable urges that harm others, CCTV is the ‘go to’ technology.
In conjunction with Video Content Analysis (VCA), CCTV provides deterrence, identification and detection. This makes it an immensely beneficial tool; however, improper use and abuse of recorded data means it can have highly detrimental impacts and a corrosive effect on the relationship between the public and authority. At the heart of the issue for society is the Security and Privacy debate.
Intelligence on compliant use of CCTV
To help address the issue, 2014 saw the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) overhaul the framework for regulating CCTV and related systems. As a result, for businesses and organisations of all sizes, this has created legal compliance requirements with the Data Protection Act (DPA) and other legislative instruments.
The ‘Q&A guide: CCTV code of practice and Data Protection Act compliance’ helps those operating CCTV and other surveillance systems meet compliance without risking fines or other regulatory action. Some points we cover in the guide include:
- Sizes of companies and types of surveillance systems that are governed by the compliance regulations
- Job roles of some legally responsible individuals and the documentation that needs to be maintained
- Complex framework of Acts and the fines or other regulatory consequences of breaching the DPA
Get CCTV ICO & DPA compliance right with iC2
Downloading the ‘Q&A guide: CCTV code of practice and Data Protection Act compliance’ for free today helps organisations to better understand and manage security and privacy risks. Getting CCTV ICO and DPA compliance right enables organisations to avoid financial penalties or any of the other actions the ICO uses for dealing with breaches of the UK Data Protection Act. In addition, it demonstrates good governance and prevents the reputational damage that may occur should ICO compliance failure action enter the public domain.
Click here to download the free guide.
Image Source: Pixabay